Anxiety Affirmation 

 A peaceful soul helps me to see the beauty around me.

A peaceful soul helps me to see the beauty around me.

I live in peace. My quality of life is rich when I allow my mind and spirit to be still. When I am at peace I am able to see the beauty that surrounds me.

I avoid taking that which exists around me for granted. I believe that each living organism has a special purpose. That belief encourages me to take the time to observe. When I am in tune with my surroundings, I appreciate the value of each person or thing.

Achieving a peaceful soul means accepting my life. Each circumstance I encounter is a blessing and a learning experience.

Instead of complaining about difficulties, I take the time to learn from them. When I am scared or uncertain, I look for sources of calm in my environment. I rely on my surroundings to help me to live a peaceful life.

Spending time with nature helps me to relax and meditate. When I am in the midst of beautiful plants and animals, serenity transfers to my soul.

Each wonderful thing that comes to me is a result of being at peace with life. My existence is beautiful because it is made just for me.

Today, I fully embrace the person I am. Life is beautiful and I am committed to finding the wonder in each moment.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What strategies do I use to turn a difficult situation into a positive learning experience?
  2. How often do I take the time to share in the success of others?
  3. In what ways can I encourage a peaceful existence on a daily basis?

Affirmations For You

Choose any area you want to work on, print the affirmation or carry it on your phone. Every time you think of it, repeat it... verbatim if you are reading it, or as well as you can remember it. It doesn't have to be perfect, you are simply reinforcing the new belief in your subconscious mind... over and over again! 

Read what Gene has to offer on Affirmations too! If you like what he teaches, please start at the beginning of his workshop to get the best learning experience!



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