Affirmation for Prosperity

My positive thoughts create financial prosperity

I understand that my thoughts affect my financial well-being and influence my life. I maintain a positive mindset about my finances. I harness the power of my positive thoughts to take action to increase my wealth.

I know wealth is within my reach as I work to strengthen my financial situation.

I want to attract financial prosperity that lasts. I can clearly see the path that leads to achievement of my ideas. It may take some time to bring my plans to reality, but I am willing to persevere.

I allow the universe to bring abundance into every aspect of my life…  my family and friends, my home, my health, my daily activities, my occupation, and even my bank account.

I prevent negative thoughts from dominating my financial strategies. I know how to stop the negative inner voice while my positive voice takes over. I focus my energy and thoughts on having sound personal finances.

I see the potential to build my wealth in the opportunities that surround me.

Today, I train my mind to maintain positive thoughts about prosperity. This daily practice enables me to keep my focus. It motivates me to take action to bring my financial dreams and desires to life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I remove obstacles in my life that block my path to prosperity?
  2. What can I do maintain my focus on financial prosperity?
  3. How can I help my family learn to focus on their positive thoughts to build wealth?

Affirmations For You

Choose any area you want to work on, print the affirmation or carry it on your phone. Every time you think of it, repeat it... verbatim if you are reading it, or as well as you can remember it. It doesn't have to be perfect, you are simply reinforcing the new belief in your subconscious mind... over and over again! 

Read what Gene has to offer on Affirmations too! If you like what he teaches, please start at the beginning of his workshop to get the best learning experience!



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