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What keeps YOU up at night?
August 09, 2016


WHAT KEEPS YOU UP AT NIGHT? Please hit reply and tell me what's happening in your world.

I'm Wendy, new site owner, I simply want to know more about you and what you need from a self help site. What holds you back in life? What do you need help with?

I would love to connect with you! I am sincerely interested providing self help ideas to help you improve your life. If you are still interested in making changes, step by step, to find your best life:

1) Register here and take the free Self Help Workshop, written by Gene. One lesson at a time, to the best life possible... use your mind to guide your life.

2) Tell me your story! This is the most interactive, popular feature on my site. Retirees helping retirees there... lots of them. I hope to do the same here. If we all contribute our bits of wisdom, our adventures through life, and ask for help when we need it... we can all pay it forward, one by one, towards better lifestyles for the greater good.

Thank you!

Wendy, Life Coach

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